Rack 'n Roll is an Arts Trail promoting family-friendly healthy fun and alternative transportation as well as providing artistic excitement by utilizing steel sculptures not only as visually striking art pieces, but as functional, funky, secure bicycle racks! Initial placement of these original designs will occur mostly throughout Decatur's downtown arts corridor, with additions along the Dr. Bill Sims Hike-Bike Way which is expanding from Decatur's deep southeast area into southwest Decatur. Eventually, Rack 'n Roll sculpture/bike racks will be placed around retail centers, fitness centers, libraries, museums, restaurants, parks, schools, banks and churches.
Who benefits from Rack 'n Roll?
We all do! Rack 'n Roll provides aesthetic enhancement of our rapidly developing urban environment as well as another reason to visit downtown and support local businesses. This project will also help to highlight the ongoing development of Decatur's Downtown Arts Corridor which includes the Carnegie Visual Arts Center, the Alabama Center for the Arts, the Cook's Natural Science Museum (under construction) and the Princess Theater.
Profits from the Carnegie Arts Trail benefit the Carnegie Visual Arts Center. For more information about the Carnegie, see www.carnegiearts.org
All contents copyright 2015 Carnegie Visual Arts Center